

Original constructions resulting from basic architecture and minimal sculpture, the Herculéennes are in direct connection with landscapes that surround them. Made up of rough stones, rough tree trunks, and sometimes metal, they express the power and simplicity of man's telluric and antediluvian links with his environment.

  • Minimalism
Artistic references (Robert Morris, Carl André, Michael Heizer, Richard Long), rusticity of the materials used, economy of means and sobriety of assembly make these basic and minimal architectures their own concept.

  • Primitivism
By minimalism, I am current, and by primitivism, I am very old. Inspired by prehistoric constructions, the Herculéennes try to find the essential and the basic through materials. They compress time and remind humans of their condition and their environment.
  • Play
Constructive challenges play with materials and landscapes. Combinations linked to components are almost endless. Like a giant, Hercules plays with rocks and pieces of wood.

  • Naturalism
An ode to Nature and its elements. Plant and mineral elements do not undergo any transformation. They tell us about their trajectories, their origins, their experiences. They remind us of the first and basic form of life.

The Herculéennes are a massive, powerful and expressive form of two elements: vegetal and mineral. They are beyond that an expression of our primitive living environment and our universe.

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